Data-Driven, Standardized, Automated, Accelerated Clinical Trial Vendor Selection Platform
AI-enhanced, Automated Clinical Trial Contracting Platform
Just-in-time, Mobile, Contextual, Clinical Trial Training Platform
Voice-activated, AI-powered, Beyond ePRO Platform
Large, Global, Real-world Genetic Sequencing Dataset for Clinical Trial Planning and Recruitment
Spatial AI for Customized Clinical Trial Site Selection and Recruitment
Extensive Latin America Real-world Data Platform
East Asian Multi-Omics and Clinical Data Platform
Platform to Leverage HCP-Patient Relationships for Recruitment and Patient Education
Unified Platform for Trial Site and Participant Workflow, Technology, and Performance Optimization
Community Network Platform for Engaging Diverse Populations
Digital Medical Twins for Precision Oncology Trials
Digital Audio Companion for Treatment Adherence
Non-invasive, EMG Wearable Platform for Neuropathic Pain Measurement and Treatment
Multi-omics, Cancer Biomarker Discovery Platform for Translational Researchers
Explainable-AI Platform to Streamline Clinical Trial Design
Reward-Driven Patient Data Platform for Clinical Trial Recruitment, Including of Under-Represented Populations
Multi-modal AI Imaging Biomarker Development Platform for Precision Oncology
Unified, Cross-Region Platform for Patient-Finding, Genetic Testing, and Patient Engagement
AI Platform for Rapid Diagnosis of Rare Disease Patients via EMR Records
Oncology LLM Powered Platform for Enhanced Patient-Trial Matching
Predictive Monitoring and Behavioral Therapeutics for Chronic Inflammatory Diseases
Scalable, “Last Mile” Automation of Cell and Gene Therapy Delivery
Microbiome-Driven Care, Diagnostic, and Biomarker Platform
Smart Medicine Cabinet & Interventions Platform
In-Ear Wearable for Collection of Hemodynamic Data
AI-Enabled Robotic Automation System for Cell and Gene Therapies
A Patient-verifying, Vitals-collecting, Pill-dispensing Locked Smart Device and RPM Platform
Comprehensive Data Repository and Analytics for High Value Therapeutics
“Large Language Model” Patient Medication Support and Engagement Platform
Data-Driven Rare Disease Patient and Caregiver Engagement Platform
Hand-held Device for Real-time Monitoring of Medication Concentration Levels at the Point-of-care
Continuous, Non-invasive Digital Blood and Urine Biomarkers
Body-worn, Auscultation-based Continuous Respiratory Biomarker Platform
Education, Care, and Community Health Platform for Black Women and Women of Color
High Accuracy, Wearable-based, AI Algorithm for Continuous Measurement of Anxiety and Depression
Tech-enabled Physician-administered Infusion Centers
Interactive “Maps” and Engagement Platform for Cancer Patients and Caregivers
Diagnostic Gynecological Fluid Biomarkers
Patient-centric, Neuro-friendly Patient Engagement Platform for Women with Parkinson’s Disease
Genetic Risk Prediction Tool for Pre-screening of Cancer, Cardiometabolic and Neurodegenerative Diseases
Insights Engine and WhatsApp Chatbot Promoting Global Health Equity
Neurotechnology-based Therapeutic Headband for Mental and Physical Symptoms of Menstruation
Direct-to-Consumer Marketing and Adherence Platform that Delivers ROI
Continuous Remote Monitoring of Menstrual Cycles for Drug Efficacy
High-Resolution, Biosensor-based Digital Biomarker Platform
Continuous, Ingestible, One-Week, Physiological Monitoring Platform
Scalable Data Annotation Platform for Life Sciences
AI Platform Using DNA-Encoded Libraries DELs for Drug Discovery
Powerful, User-Friendly NLP Platform Optimized for Generation of RWE
RWE Generation Platform Built on 11+ million AMC Medical Records
Advanced Analytics Engine that Harmonizes RWD to Generate Insights
AI-Powered Platform for Auto-immune Diseases Modeling at the Patient Level
Queryable, Dynamic Real-World Patient Cohorts for Prospective Population Research
Genomics Data Brokerage Platform
Rare Disease Patient Community-Sourced PRO and RWE platform
Speech Biomarkers for Screening and Monitoring MCI and Early Dementia
Gamified, Mobile App for AI-enabled Neurological Assessment
Multimodal Diagnostics Platform for Psychiatric and Neurological Conditions
Novel Digital Biomarker for Parkinson’s Disease
BioPsychoSocial Behavior Modification System for Pain and Chronic Disease
Validated Real-World Mobility Assessment Tool
Neurological Patient Engagement Platform
AI-enabled, Wearable-agnostic Platform to Track and Evaluate Parkinson’s Disease
VR Platform for Novel, Comprehensive Remote Neurocognitive Assessments
Cognitive Assessment by Stimulated Brain Activity
Home-based, Functional RWD Collected Through Video AI Platform
RWE from EMR and Patient Data
Vocal Biomarker for Respiratory and Cardiovascular Health
Oncology Patient Engagement Platform
Participant Identification/ Management for Study Preparation
Novel Patient Recruitment
IBD Patient Engagement Platform
Cognitive Digital Biomarker
Analytic and Visualization of Trial Design Data
Clinical Operations Management Platform
Novel Drug Delivery Platform
Data Analytics Platform for Disparate Internal Sources
Decentralized Clinical Trial Management