
PharmStars featured on Oracle’s The Latest Dose podcast

Post by
Naomi Fried, PhD

**Original podcast published by Oracle’s The Latest Dose on December 12, 2022

Healthcare and clinical research has traditionally been conducted in person. Until 2020, when worldwide lockdowns due to the COVID-19 pandemic forced the life science and health industries to adopt digital health technology, accelerating decade long plans overnight.

The digital health ecosystem has helped create an infrastructure that supports the transformation of the organization-centered care model into a patient-centered care model. Various reports highlight the staggering investments and the market growth in digital health technologies supporting this change.

In this episode of the Latest Dose, Naomi Fried, PhD, Founder & CEO of PharmStars and Steve Prewitt, SVP, Global Head of Digital Innovation at Sumitovant Biopharma, share the importance and significance of new entrants into the market. They discuss how digital health start-ups will power a patient-centered care system that delivers multidisciplinary and collaborative health services.

Regulatory agencies and pharma companies affirm benefits of this transformation as:

  • increased efficiencies,
  • greater access,
  • lower costs,
  • better quality, and
  • more personalized medicine for patients.

Listen to the whole conversation by tuning into The Latest Dose.

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